Friday, February 28, 2020

How to create magical SCENES in children's picturebooks

How to create magical scenes in picturebooks? (Picturebooks as one word to mean children's books as oppose to printed photo album books)

Here's a sweet short video for you >> really cool youtube video on how to create interesting scenes in picturebooks

Or click on the image below here to know how to create magical scenes in picturebooks:

If you'd like a bit more detailed step by step:

The secret in creating magical scenes is to add textures.

You can add textures using not just color or medium, but also shapes, objects, and patterns. In this illustration, I've added boxes that look like houses and buildings that simulate keys of the piano.

Create a rhythmic pattern like a song or lullaby visually using repeating shapes arranged beautifully or harmonically.

Patterns can be arranged from small to big, top to bottom, left to right, or dark to light. You get the idea. The major moon phases I've illustrated here is a perfect example. The moon phases add a bit information while using it as pattern or design in itself. 

Distribute the patterns in the composition or entire book spread.