First two paintings for 2019 and a first being created in a new territory

24x48 inches
acrylic and phosphorescent paint; 3D luminous powder; iridescent paper on canvas
This painting will be a part of CANVAS's 2019 Looking for Juan Banner Project
celebrating children's rights.
Makeshift studio with basic tools and media
These recent works are best appreciated in person.
The textures, finishes, and effects are difficult to translate in photos.
Iridescent finish create transitional colors into other hues through viewer's movement
Luminous specks lit this bubble
Found my own technique of covering surfaces with random yet harmonious patterns
A supermassive black hole at the core of bedazzlement
Cosmic ultraviolet rays impregnating a porous material smeared with emulsion to demonstrate luminescent energy
A digital photo recording of pigmented symbolic language uploaded into a popular electronic repository of human pop culture in action called YouTube
A brush stroke is something very personal
and intimate
Working on brush strokes to define forms
Reflective surfaces as personal expression of the numinous
Brush strokes as visual expression of internal disposition
"The Origin of Light is Love"
48x48 inches
acrylic and phosphorescent paint; 3D luminous powder; iridescent paper on canvas
This painting will also be a part of CANVAS's projects.
Two paintings were alternately created.
When stuck at a phase, work is done on the other.
Glowing moon juice as life force
Looking at a force like no other
Love, 2019, acrylic, phosphorescent paint, 3D luminous powder, iridescent paper, canvas, painting, Looking for Juan Banner Project, children's rights, children's book, picture book painting, black hole image, unicorn, glow in the dark paint, aim, iridescent paint, transitional paint, glitters, Sergio Bumatay, moon, ohm, moon glow, moon dust, man bird, bird man, eye, pregnant man, pregnancy, lit, star, star of david, brzee, wings, angel wings, horse, magic, pegasus, shreem, under the sea, Aurora, Colorado, Colorado painters, Aurora artist, Colorado artist, Aurora Art, Art Basel, Art Basel Miami, NYC art, New York City Galleries, Venice Biennial, Hong Kong International Art Fair, ARCO Madrid, Art Dubai, Vivid Sydney, The Armory Show, Berlin Biennale, Shanghai Biennial, Sotheby's