Getting kids interested to read books is becoming more challenging nowadays. Yes, more competition are catching the young mind's attention: gadgets, games, and stress from school activities, among others. These distractions leave them uninterested in reading, especially books. Poor children, if they only knew the benefits and magic of reading at an early age. Perhaps they will only appreciate that when they turn into adult monsters. LOL. Good thing there are still people, most especially parents and teachers, who have relentless dedication in enriching and promoting literature. Not only do they encourage the love for reading but also the traditions and culture that are closest to our hearts.
If you need great resources on children's literature and tips on how to make your children interested in reading, you can go to these inspiring and informative sites.
Asia in the Heart Blog
I have some interviews there to share my insights on children's book illustration. I hope you will also enjoy the world of children's literature as much as I am and encourage children to read more in spite of the challenges.